martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

WIX - A free webpage

I found a very interesting tool when it comes to creating webpages. This site is called “WIX” and it has a wide variety of templates that you can choose from to create a dynamic, visually attractive, free webpage. 

Registering is very simple: you have to provide your email address, a name for your account and that’s it.
When you are working with the editor, you can see that it is a user-friendly tool and allows you to include photos (slides, grids…), videos, applications, links (to other sites, to Facebook, Twitter), your location in Google Maps, buttons, other shapes, an online store, etc… and you can design several pages, linked to each other through buttons or menus (and submenus).

The Purpose?
Well, that’s up to you. Maybe you can share photos of the school you are working at or you can publish videos and activities to be carried out in your learners’ laptops. In that sense, being the site so visually attractive, students can feel motivated and willing to work.

Here you have an example:
In this case, I just uploaded some photos and I created a second page with the location information (see the "Visit us" section).
Hope you like it! (sorry for those who were "burnt" -in Spanish- in the photos). ;)

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Our last meeting

Finally, we presented our Pecha Kuchas in ECO2, giving the subject a nice closure. The special guest: Prof. Adriana Díaz.

In general, the three presentations were based on the tools we worked on during the year. We spoke about the web 2.0 tools, office software, platforms, activity generators, and some advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using these tools in an EFL classroom.

I think I can speak for the rest of my classmates when I say that we found this subject highly profitable, not only as regards technology but also about working in group in order to present a final product. And I’m not saying working in ‘groupS’, because, all in all, I felt like we were one big group, working together and learning from each other. 

Now I’ll share here with you the final Pecha Kucha that we presented together with Aldana V. and Fernanda. You can download HERE a file containing the presentation and the script, just in case you find it useful. 

ECO2 ends now, but I have promised to myself publishing here from now on every time I find some interesting information that could help you (he, she, they, we, me, even it) in the classroom.


lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Words are flying out like endless rain into a paper cup...

This is a reflective blog, right? I think it is about time to some catharsis here.
I don’t have much to say actually, good or bad. I just felt the need to write ANYTHING while I’m working on the final Pecha Kucha. I’m a little bit tired of trying to memorise the script and the words seem to slip away more and more as I go on with the slides. I feel we didn’t have much time to prepare it. Well, there WAS time, but there were so many other things to do too, so…

The bright side: we could write the script and find images more easily than when we had to do it for Dicción. I guess we learnt how to prepare this type of presentation. Maybe the next one could be done in a day or two! Who knows!

We had fun doing this kind of group work, no doubt about it. Finding funny images and trying to fit 20 seconds with something to say is a great exercise for our poor little brain. However, for the actual presentation you need good memory, and I think that ‘memorising’ is something that, at this time of the year, already went on vacation.