martes, 5 de junio de 2012

A blog list

In this short entry I would like to share a tool for all of us who are attending ECO 2 and have created our blogs. One way of keeping track of what our mates are doing is Google Reader, but Blogger has also something similar.

In order to follow your favourite blogs (in this case, all of them) we should go to the design section of Blogger, and add a gadget. One of the gadgets available is "Blog list". Through this option, you can add the addresses of all the other blogs or even import them from Google Reader.

Te result: you will have your mates' blogs listed in order of publication (if you want it that way!). Everytime one of them submites an entry, it will be placed at the top of the list.

Cool, right?

You can see it right here, on the right bottom of this blog (please, let me know if I missed someone's blog!).

5 comentarios:

  1. Excellent finding!!! Gives you another excuse to visit your own blog!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Santiago! I already had the list with your blogs but now that I saw how it works I chose that option that shows me the titles of the latest posts! ;) I like this gadget much more than Google Reader! :D
