martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Practical Work using Presentations

It's time for a new practical work (unfortunately?). This time we will be dealing with presentations such as Power Point and Prezi. These presentations will have to be part of a lesson plan.

It's going to be in groups of two or three people. I didn't like much the random organisation of the groups. Of course, that's only natural, we are taken outside our comfort zone, which is working with people you really know. (Agos, don't take it personal! I'm sure we'll do it alright!). ;)

As regards the presentations, I have had some experience working with Power Point. When we were taking Literature 2, we had to present a topic to the class. The group in which I took part was in charge of "Alice In Wonderland" and Lewis Carroll's life.

We used this presentation (I attach here only an image to give you an idea) to highlight some important parts of our speech, also to show photos and pictures and to show music videos inspired by Alice, as well as fragments of films.
About the design, it was a background image downloaded from Google Images and we put the main characters of Disney's film as animated GIFs.

When we were taking Didactics 1, there was another instance of group presentations. This time, our group was in charge of two topics: Content Based Learning and Task Based Learning.

This time the presentation was much simpler than the one for Alice, because it was a short speech. Besides, those topics are not so artistic and that gives you little freedom to create something more eye-catching. What we used is simply a background colour and the only animation (besides the occasionally appearing arrows) was an animated GIF of a teacher that constantly moved his pointer to attract your attention.

The third presentation in which I was involved was a speech about Democracy and Argentinian History between 1983 and 1999. We had to present this topic, again in groups, for EDI, in the third course.

In this case, the presentation had a background image (again from Google Images) and we used it only to show images and fragments of documentary films. Most of them downloaded from YouTube. The idea was to talk about some topics related to those years (in English!, of course) and, from time to time, to play the videos, in Spanish, just to make sure the audience have perfectly understood it.

Now, a new way of using presentations is approaching (at least for me!). So, we'll see what happens! (Right, Agos?).

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