viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Google Street View

Nowadays there is a web revolution in Argentina because the latest news say that Google had implemented its street tool: Google Street View.

I used to look for places in Google Earth, which shows you almost any place you want to see from a satellite perspective. Now this new tool allows you to ‘walk’ the streets of the major cities.

Last year, they started to send their cars, all equipped with cameras, in order to recollect images; and yesterday, September 25th, we could see them all at last.

Isn’t it a great tool for your students to move around the city without leaving the classroom? Don’t you think it would be great for learning how to give and take directions? You can even ask them to look for particular things or people that are displayed on those street images.
Google is, again, helping us in so many ways!

I leave you all for now showing you a capture from Google Street View. Do you know the place?

See you!

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