viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014


There is a new feature Twitter included in its tools: a widget that allows you to keep track on a Twitter user. That user could be yourself, if you want to keep your website visitors informed about your latest news or maybe another user whose information you want to share among your blog's readers.
What you post on Twitter is called 'tweet' (that is the famous 140-character text). When you post several tweets, they are organised chronologically and that canvas of information is called 'timeline'.
The Twitter timeline of a particular user is exactly what you can have embedded in your website or blog.
Ir order for you to have an idea, I'm posting here Edmodo's twitter timeline (i.e. we will have access to Edmodo's latest news through Twitter). Sometimes it takes some seconds to display:

We said in a previous entry that Twitter can be a great tool to keep your students updated with whatever you want them to know. In this way, you can use a blog or a website to deliver these Twitter messages and it won't be necessary for your learners opening an account and registering on Twitter.

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